Registration Information for 2024-25
Below are the dates counselors will be in students' classes for Fall 2024-2025 Registration. Registration will occur in a two-part series during the student's science class.
5th to 6th Grade Registration:
Counselors will be visiting elementary schools on the following dates to present about 6th grade registration:
Wednesday 1/3/24 - Community School
Wednesday 1/3/24 - Mark Twain Elementary School
Friday 1/5/24 - Peter Kirk Elementary School
Friday 1/5/24 - Lakeview Elementary School
6th Grade Registration Student Presentation
Future Panther Night Family Presentation
6th to 7th Grade Registration:
Part 1: Tuesday 1/9/24 during 6th Grade Science classes
Part 2: Tuesday 1/16/24 during 6th Grade Science classes
7th & 8th Grade Registration Presentation
7th to 8th Grade Registration:
Part 1: Thursday 1/11/24 during 7th Grade Science classes
Part 2: Thursday 1/18/24 during 7th Grade Science classes
7th & 8th Grade Registration Presentation
8th to 9th Grade Registration:
Part 1: Friday 1/19/24 during 8th Grade Science classes
Part 2: Friday 1/26/24 during 8th Grade Science classes
Welcome New Students!
Students new to Lake Washington School District must determine their neighborhood school. Students must register at their neighborhood school according to boundaries determined by LWSD.
- Please verify your neighborhood school on the LWSD Transportation page.
- New student registration is now available online! Visit the LWSD Online Registration page to register your student.
For more information on classes offered at Kirkland Middle School, please visit the Kirkland Middle School Course Catalog.
We look forward to meeting you!
Counseling Office Staff
Jordan White
Last Names A - Hsu
Janelle Cotogna
Last Names Hu - Mi
Maddie Rogers
Last Names Mo - Z
Karter Perkins
Phone: (425) 936-2423