School Supplies
The following is a list of supplies that every student will need for the first day of school at Kirkland Middle School. Paper and pencils need to be replenished throughout the year. Stocking up on these items might be a good idea!
Required school supplies for all grades:
- Heavy duty backpack or book bag
- Pencil pouch
- 3 Pencils - students should have at least 3 sharpened pencils with erasers each day, all year
- Highlighters, 3 different colors
- Loose-leaf College Ruled Paper (1/4” a time)
- 1 pkg Sticky Notes
- 1-inch, 3-ring binder
- 1 set Dividers for binder
- 4 Composition Books (1-LA/SS, 1-Science, 2-6th grade math)
- Earbuds - wired, non-blue tooth
- Stylus for laptop (spare)
- Index Cards 3x5, 100 count (Only some teachers require)
Once school starts, teachers will provide a list of any specific items needed for their classroom.